Saturday, July 31, 2010

Jet Lag

We are home and have been for a week. We are still a bit tired from jet lag. Life looks a bit different now in some ways. We appreciate clean water and safe food. The temperatures in the low to mid 90's are hot, but it doesn't feel quite as bad. Even with the humidity, it is cooler feeling than the desert.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

St Ann Church

This stone church had amazing acoustics. We sang songs including Amazing Grace and Spirit of the Living God. It was the birthplace of Mary according to tradition.

St Ann Church

The traditional spot where they believe Mary was born.

Pool of Bethesda

Looking down into the spot. Jesus healed the man who had been paralyzed for 38 years. This is the actual place. The stirring of the waters was caused by a small spring they found.

Outer Temple Courts

The temple was huge when it was there. This is less than a fourth of it.

Dome of the Spirit

In the background is the Dome of the Spirit.

Wailing Wall

Today is the 9th of Av, the fasting and praying day remembering the destruction of the temple many years ago. Security was heavy due to the large numbers of people coming to pray. They expected 50,000 people or more by midday. The people were reading Lamentations in a chant like voice. We were on a walkway on our way to other places.

Fountain with Live Bird Sitting

Outside the old temple courts.

The Outer Court of the Old Temple

On the way to dome of the rock. We did not go to the Dome of the Rock but we did go around it where the temple courts had been.

On the Way to Via Dolorosa

An African Gray outside a shop. He was not speaking, just watching.

Via Dolarosa

The road Christ walked to the cross.

On the Road to Via Dolarosa

Church Yard

Too much attention

Look behind the bench. The cats kept coming and John had to leave.

John's Pastry Attracts Attention

Bazaar Shops

Bazaar Shops in Jerusalem

Cardo Maximus

Child playing on the Cardo Maximus, the main north south road in first century Jerusalem.

Children Playing on the Cardo Maximus

The Cardo Maximus was the main north-south road in Jerusalem.

Children Playing

In the Old City.

Tower of David

Left by Romans to show how powerful they were.

Terabinth Tree

The kind of tree Absolom caught his hair in and hung in the air.

Garden Tomb

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tour Bus the Inside Story

Tour bus

The seats are a bit cramped but our driver, David, does an excellent job in heavy traffic and tight spaces.


That is the name of the camel we rode and she was a sweetie. (So Cindy, I rode a camel after all.) Everybody had the opportunity to ride one this time but they were guided and in a group so it was tame, just what I prefer. They even gave each of us camel riding licenses with our names written in Hebrew. It is a nice touch.

Sleepy Camels


Judy and Vera on a Camel

Camel Rides

The Desert near Jerusalem


Gardens have beautiful flowers.

Jerusalem city

There is a cemetery opposite the eastern gate where Jesus will enter when he returns. The archeologists have not found the location yet but when they do, they will know where the holy of holies is too. It is in a straight line.

The cemetery was placed where it is many years ago because the priests could not cross a cemetery. It would defile them. The entrance was deliberately obscured too, many, many years ago.

It appears, throughout the generations, many have believed the prophecies are true and are determined to keep them from happening.

Ancient Writings Museum

The entrance.

David's Harp

Church Door

Road Jesus Walked

On the way to the cross.

Holocaust museum

The Holocaust Museum, to remember. Memorials of those who died, those who helped some survive and the attitudes, views, politics and theology that contributed.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


The spot where Jesus may have been born. Now inside a church.


Traffic Jams and close calls seem to be routine. We have a good bus driver.

West wall

One of the areas where Jesus would have entered the temple and possibly taught.

Wailing Wall- Both sides

Wailing Wall Dove

A dove perched above the women at the wailing wall and watched them the whole time I was there. It was as if the bird were standing guard as she watched over the women below.

Wailing Wall

Wailing wall on the women's side. The men's side had air conditioning and was bigger.

West Wall

Inside the west wall in Jerusalem.

A Wall in Jerusalem

King David and his harp

Mt of Olives

Trees over 1,000 years old.

Mount of Olives

Rosemary Bushes on the Mt of Olives

Aloes on the Mount of Olives